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Slavery and apartheid did not end because states decided to abolish them. Mass mobilisations left political leaders no other choice
Desmund Tutu
We hope to create a structure that promotes the escalation of the remarkable work already being done across the UK by encouraging existing groups to commit to taking regular actions throughout the year as part of Groundswell.
It’s part of a broader trend to set the climate agenda in 2016. There are already plans under way for an unbranded international mass action at sites of extraction in May (Break Free). We’re hoping that this model will allow us to take the initiative on Climate Justice, to develop regional strengths as well as building towards collaborating on larger scale events.
We want to visibly join the dots between social justice and climate action. The focus of many social justice groups intersects with issues of climate justice, but the opportunities to express this are rare, just as many climate groups don’t often get to express how crucial equality is to our long term survival. This is an experiment to remind each other we’re not alone.
Who’s it for?
We’re looking to involve any and every group that shares our aims and values, from small NGOs to local fracking groups. We don’t expect everyone to be on board at the beginning of the year, but hope they’ll be inspired to join us as it progresses.
How will it work?
In early February 2016, Reclaim the Power will be holding an open national meeting where we can talk about how Groundswell is progressing and where we might want to take it. It is an invitation to share your skills, learn from others, celebrate what we have done and encourage others to get involved.
We calculate that if every group took on one action every season, we could end up with an action every week. We would like to ask each group involved to do at least three actions as part of the framework throughout the year. But want to make this work for those involved so are consulting on this.
While we understand that a diversity of tactics is always needed in campaigns, we hope that actions that are part of Groundswell will be as direct as possible, rather than just stunts. This is about rolling out Red Lines across sites of extraction and oppression.
We welcome inviting Groundswell participants to pre-publicised events on the calendar section of this website – but ask that no group posts more than two. This is to ensure that no one group dominates the process.
If you are part of an organisation that may not be able to commit to direct action, but is in a position to help train new groups, or suggest pre-planned actions in your area of expertise, we’d also love to hear from you.