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Please take a few minutes and join us in calling on ARR Craib to break their supply chain with Cuadrilla! This June and July, we’re making sure that ARR Craib knows that their support of fracking operations, particularly at Preston New Road, is unacceptable.

The Details:

ARR Craib is a UK-based ‘transport and logistics’ company that has been identified as a key transporter of equipment and materials for the UK fracking industry (there is clear evidence of ARR Craib delivering critical fracking supplies around the UK, including to Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road site in Lancashire). However, the company has denied their involvement in the fracking supply chain in an attempt to avoid conflict. In April 2018, a company spokesperson stated that ‘ARR Craib Transport Ltd does not currently have any direct contracts with fracking companies.’ Despite this claim, we know that they have been complicit in fracking at Preston New Road and will continue to be––until we pressure them to drop all fracking-related contracts.  

What you can do:

At some point before August 2018, let ARR Craib know what you think about their role in the fracking supply chain. Here are four easy ways to do so (though we invite you to get creative!):

  1. Send an email to Steve Anderson at and cc to ensure that your message is read: there’s a template email below which you can copy and paste, but we encourage you to add your own spin on it if you have a few extra minutes.
  2. Post on ARR Craib’s Facebook page or send them a Facebook message: feel free to repurpose the email that you just sent!  
  3. Tweet at ARR Craib: use one of the example tweets below or write your own 280 characters that includes their twitter handle @ARRCraib.
  4. Give them a call to voice your thoughts over the phone: find a full list of ARR Craib  phone numbers here, and use the template email for inspiration.

Template Email:

Dear Steven Anderson,

As the Oil & Gas Director of ARR Craib, you must be aware that your company has been providing its haulage services to Cuadrilla’s hydraulic fracturing (fracking) site at Preston New Road in Lancashire.

Cuadrilla’s intended fracking operations at Preston New Road (and the government’s go-ahead) represents an affront to local democracy. The Lancashire County Council has voted in opposition to Cuadrilla’s fracking operations at Preston New Road, and there is ongoing, fierce opposition from the local community, due to the disastrous local environmental and health effects that fracking will have on the area.

In April 2018, a spokesman for your company stated that ‘ARR Craib Transport Ltd does not currently have any direct contracts with fracking companies.’ However, residents of Lancashire have shared evidence showing that ARR Craib delivers to the Preston New Road site.

Whether your services to the site are direct or indirect, by supplying your services to Cuadrilla, ARR Craib is complicit in supporting a toxic fracking industry.

As a concerned citizen, I call on you to stop ARR Craib’s transport services, both direct and indirect, to Cuadrilla’s operations at Preston New Road. Furthermore, I ask that ARR Craib publish a statement announcing that the company will cease delivery to to Preston New Road.

I look forward to reading your public statement.  

Kind regards,

A concerned citizen

Example Tweets:

  1. Hi @ARRCraib: I ask that you end (as soon as contractually possible) your delivery business with @CuadrillaUK. Your services support fracking in Lancashire, though the local community & council have consistently said ‘no’ to drilling
  2. Hey, @ARRCraib: why are you supporting @CuadrillaUK’s operations at Preston New Road? The Lancashire council has voted in opposition to fracking at the site, as it is a disaster for the local environment and our climate.    
  3. Hey, @ARRCraib: do you know that you are taking part in a toxic industry that wants to profit from fracking (and poisoning) the UK countryside?