Le Tour De Frack – anti-fracking family cycle ride

Jun 20, 2018 | News

Tour De Frack leafletA day of Anti-fracking activist & family-friendly cycle rides in Surrey & W.Sussex

When: Assemble from 9.30am for 10am, Saturday 23rd June. https://www.facebook.com/events/1629452990496106/ 

What: 3 levels of cycle “Tours” around South-East Oil & Gas Drilling Sites.

Where:  Dorking Meadowbank Community Park – with info,refreshments,face painting,badge-making and to send off the cyclists.

Who: You. plus your bike if you’re cycling! Please bring food & drink. Wear appropriate clothing and bring your antifrackers style!

How: Trains to Dorking from London Waterloo and Victoria, Brighton and elsewhere, then on yer bike or head to the Leith Hill Protection Camp or one of the other stops.
Register for a ride by signing-up at Eventbrite https://tinyurl.com/y74t75b4

Following the successful RisingTide/RtP Gathering in January and a Convoy Tour of sites in March, we’ve been joined by Frack-off London and activists & residents near local sites to see how best we can support local communities in opposing the fracking threat in the South-East, throughout 2018 and beyond.

Please join us for a fun and family friendly day of pedal power, info sharing and community resistance to oil & gas drilling in the Surrey & Sussex Weald. All welcome, either as participants in a ride or as supporters at one of the many gatherings along the way.

Come and find out more about the extensive plans for oil and gas extraction that are already underway in local areas of outstanding natural beauty.  Our aim is to have fun whilst making a serious point about the threats of industrialisation and pollution that goes in hand in hand with this industry. #GreenFieldsNotOilFields

There are three routes:-16, 27 & 55 miles. Stops will include Brockham, Horse Hill, Balcombe and Leith Hill. Full routes to be published shortly. The day will end at Leith Hill Protection Camp (Holmwood, RH5 6HB) https://leithhillprotectioncamp.co.uk/  with food and entertainment. Further info and regular updates can be found at   http://www.frackfreesurrey.com/tourdefrack and https://www.facebook.com/events/1629452990496106/

Please get in touch if you have any questions,can help on the day, or require further info at: tourdefrackuk@gmail.com

Join us to make some noise for cleaner, greener energy & to say no to the industrialisation of The Weald.   www.wealdactiongroup.org.uk/download-info/