Global call for action: May and June 2015 climate mobilisations

Apr 28, 2015 | News

30_31_rouge callout

Reclaim the Power’s camp at Didcot in Oxfordshire on 29th May is part of a global weekend of action for climate justice. Here’s the call out below.

From Climat Coalition 21 (France)

This May and June, youth, faith leaders, and members of labour, development and justice organisations from across the world will call for the just transformation away from fossil fuels to be scaled up so that it can address our biggest problems – climate change, social inequality, unemployment and poverty.

We will stand side by side to ensure governments know that the people are demanding and driving action – we are building citizen-owned, locally based solutions, and strengthening a movement that will keep growing until we achieve a complete, just transition from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy in citizens hands.

We call on all people to join together at this vital moment and to organize actions which showcase the right kind of decisions governments need to make to drive forward the people- powered transition to a world free of climate change, unsafe and dirty energy and inequality. Will government leaders support us actively in powering this transition or will they stand on the wrong side of history?

See here for a timeline of international action.


On the 30th and 31st of May the international mobilisation will be kicked off in France by Coalition Climat 21 with activities across the country. During those days, groups across the globe will be making the same demands and others will start of their activities leading into early June focusing on the G7 meetings in Germany as well as the UNFCCC session in Bonn. These weeks will serve as a global launch of a year of action, being crucial to connect the dots of the amazing people power 2015 and beyond will witness.


The global call for climate action will take the message of the transition away from fossils and to renewables to the people with both boots on the ground and online activities. In France, actions, initiatives and demonstrations of all sizes will fill the cities. Other countries will see rallies in front of Parliaments, other direct actions, and citizen involvement at the G7 meetings. There will also be concerts that will gather audiences in the tens of thousands.

All of this will be backed by online activities, making it possible for people all around the world to voice their call for climate action/justice. We welcome all initiatives of all sizes across the world to join this moment, which can be done as an individual activity or as part of an already planned event. A website for registering events or joining forces with other groups will be available soon.


Numerous groups and coalitions will be carrying out activities of all shapes and sizes. So far rolling out activities during this crucial moment are (amongst others):
Friends of the Earth Europe, Coalition Climat 21, action/2015, Greenpeace, ITUC, Alternatiba, Climate Action Network, Avaaz,, GCCA.