Press Release – Friday 9th august

Aug 9, 2024 | Drax Camp 2024, News

Outrage as police who failed to prevent violent racist attacks were focusing on silencing peaceful Protest.

Protest groups are in shock after discovering police spent millions preventing a peaceful camp against the UK’s largest carbon emitter, at time when they could have focused on preventing violent fascist attacks 

The police spent months planning the operation resulting in at least 27 arrests and the impounding of tents, cooking equipment and wheelchair accessible trackway needed for the camp, leading to questions about what could have been achieved if those resources had focused on the prevention of recent violent racist attacks. 

Reclaim the Power, who were organising the camp said: 

“Drax are absolutely desperate to stop us drawing attention to the fact the Uk’s largest single source of carbon emissions is  taking  £1.7 million a day in publicly funded subsidies and just announced a £300 million windfall for shareholders. 

“It is utterly ridiculous that multiple police forces have wasted so much resource on this massive operation to stop an entirely peaceful protest, when they could have focused on preventing the violence fascist attacks happening Nationwide.”

Responding to news of the arrests co-executive director of Greenpeace UK Areeeba Hamid said:

“These pre-emptive arrests are a worrying legacy of the previous government’s crusade to restrict peaceful protest. The protesters were only planning a peaceful protest camp against one of the UK’s worst polluters.

“The inspiring public response we’ve seen to racist rioting in the last few days is a powerful reminder of the vital role peaceful protest plays in our society. We must not give in to political attempts to demonise protestors, refugees and minority groups. We have the opportunity for a clean break and for this new government to change direction by rolling back some of the draconian laws and making space for all voices to be heard.”

For further information or to arrange an interview call RtP: 07301 099626  Comms email:


Reclaim the Power is a UK based direct action network fighting for social, environmental and economic justice. We aim to build a broad based movement, working in solidarity with frontline communities to effectively confront environmentally destructive industries and the social and economic forces driving climate change.


Drax Power Station, located near Selby in Yorkshire, is the world’s biggest woody biomass power station and the UK’s single largest carbon emitter. Drax sources from around the world, primarily the US, Canada, and the Baltic States. Drax’s wood pellet production sites, predominantly located in environmental justice communities, emit large amounts of pollutants, such as PM10, PM2.5 and VOCs which are linked to respiratory and pulmonary health impacts. Woody biomass is counted as carbon neutral by the UK Government, allowing Drax to receive renewable energy subsidies (CfDs and ROCs).