RELEASE: Brides blockade PR firm calling for fracking industry divorce

Apr 4, 2017 | News, Press Releases


One arrest made at St Brides blockade, 2 more expected. More to follow…


CONTACT: For more photos, interviews and information –, 07376530298
PHOTOS: Available via Flickr


St Brides PR firm 1 -990

Credit: Reclaim the Power

LONDON, UK — This morning, three women from anti-fracking network Reclaim the Power dressed as wedding brides blockaded the doorway of city-based fracking PR firm St Brides Partners to protest their support for the fracking industry [1].  

The group staged a ‘marriage’ between St Brides and the fracking companies they represent and locked themselves to the door of the company office. St Brides’ CEO and partners were prevented from entering the offices, stopping them from promoting and selling shares in three unconventional oil gas projects around the UK.
Hannah Dow, who today was locked by her neck to the door of St Brides offices said:

“Financial PR firms that are wedded to the fracking industry are locking the UK into a toxic marriage that funds dangerous and unwanted unconventional oil and gas in the UK.

This is not an industry that will support the health of our communities and that’s why local people have prevented fracking from taking off in the UK for the last 6 years. We’re gathered here today to witness a company representing projects for the richer not the poorer and we’re calling on St Brides to divorce companies intent on ignoring public concerns around unconventional oil and gas extraction.”

Fracking clients of St Brides include Europa Oil and Gas PLC, a company that has been attempting to drill near Brockham in Surrey since 2009 [2], as well as pursuing failed attempts to get planning permission for an oil and gas ‘mini-frack’ at a site near Scunthorpe in North East Lincolnshire [3]. St Brides also promote shares for Cluff Natural Resources who are pushing licenses in Underground Coal Gasification across the UK.

Alice Jones who also attended the protest today said:

“These corporations are losing the fight for public licence to drill in the UK so they are desperate use companies like St Brides to clean up their image – but wedding bells aren’t going to chime today because firms like St Brides won’t get a chance to fund fracking on our watch.”

St Brides PR firm 3

Credit: Reclaim the Power

The action today is part of Reclaim the Power’s Break the Chain fortnight of action targeting fracking supply chain companies. Break the Chain aims to disrupt and expose the networks propping up fracking in the UK – from firms supplying equipment, to PR companies – ahead of further action this summer supporting locals resisting drill sites in Lancashire and Yorkshire.

At least four companies in the fracking supply chain have already pulled out after public pressure [4]. Protests by locals have also been taking place every day at one of the proposed fracking sites in Lancashire, slowing and often halting Cuadrilla’s work to prepare the site for drilling [5]. Surveys have shown that public opposition to fracking is far higher than support, with just 18% supporting [6].

CONTACT: For photos, interviews and more information –, 07376530298

PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: 4TH April, St Michaels Alley, off Cornhill, EC1 London.


  1. Reclaim the Power is a UK-based direct action network fighting for social, environmental and economic justice. They have been working to oppose fracking since organising mass action at Balcombe in 2013. Since then, they’ve hosted anti-fracking action camps in Blackpool and Didcot, and taken countless actions against the industry. Read more at:
  2. Europa Oil & Gas are working with other fracking firms UKOG, Angus Energy, Third Energy and  Egdon Resources ( Leith Hill Action Group at the site in Bury Hill Wood (Holmwood) is in the Surrey Hills area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, where Surrey County Council received over 2000 letters against the development.
  3. On Jan 11th 2017 planning permission was rejected by Lincolnshire Country Council for Wressle Well near Scunthorpe in North East Lincolnshire ( A total of four companies have a stake in the Wressle project. Their shares are: Egdon (operator) 25%; Celtique Energie 33.3%; Europa 30%; Union Jack Oil 11.67%. Process at Wressle well is a ‘mini-frack’ (
  4. See the full list at
  5. For examples, see Drill Or Drop (
  6. Statistics from BEIS Public Attitude Tracker (