Rock on down to Block around the Clock

Jun 26, 2018 | News

Wednesday 27th June – Sunday 1st July 2018

Preston New Road, Lancashire

The full programme of talks, workshops, action and information is now available HERE.

Grab your friends, your dancing shoes and a helping of defiance and **ROCK ON DOWN** to Preston New Road, Lancashire this summer for a people-powered ‘Block Around the Clock’!

For 48 hours we’ll be holding the frontline against fracking. In our hundreds and thousands, we’ll be Preventing work from happening with our presence and sending a clear message to the frackers they are not welcome – not here, not anywhere.


Wednesday 27th June 2018:

Workshops, welcomes and action training from lunchtime

Thursday 28th June 2018:

BLOCK AROUND THE CLOCK – MASS BLOCKADE a+ action camp with workshops, talks, food etc

Friday 29th June 2018:

BLOCK AROUND THE CLOCK – MASS BLOCKADE + action camp with workshops, talks, food etc

Saturday 30th June 2018:

Talks, workshops and Blackpool Seafront Solidarity Demo!! – Finale to the United Resistance!

(+ Party)

Sunday 1st July 2018:

Debrief, next steps, pack up – until the next time!

The full programme of talks, workshops, action and information is now available HERE.

Everyone is welcome, especially if you’ve never been involved in anything like this before. Food provided, friends to be made and a whole programme of trainings, workshops, talks and events to get everyone informed, engaged and skilled up to take on the fossil fuel industry.

‘Block Around the Clock’ is the final showdown of the United Resistance and an epic three months of action, as well as the 2 year anniversary of historic anti-fracking victory at Lancashire County Council – it’s time to get up, get down, and show Cuadrilla what we’re about.

Let’s Block. Around. The Clock.

Read more about fracking, the resistance in Lancashire and Reclaim the Power in the programme HERE.

How to get there?

How to get to Block around the Clock:

Group Travel

Everything you need to know is included in the Transport Guide and below we summarise the group travel options available from all across the UK. Email if you need any help with organising transport.


Carpooling being organised by members of the local TUC for a day trip to Block around the Clock on Thursday 28th June, please email or call Kev on 07752 213 514 to book a spot and for further details.


1) Minibus departing on Sunday 25th and returning on Sunday 1st July.

2) Minibus departing on Wednesday 27th and returning on Saturday 30th June.

Cost tbc, but likely to be a sliding scale of £10-30. No one will be refused for lack of funds.

To book a spot on either bus, please email


1) 9-seater car departing on Tuesday 26th and returning for the evening of Sunday 1st July (details tbc).

2) Minibus departing at 11am, Wednesday 27th from Shepherds Bush Green and returning for the evening of Sunday 1st July.

£30 all in, £15 deposit required, to book your space email with the subject ‘London BatC Minibus’– remainder to be paid via cash or bank transfer on the day but no one will be refused for lack of funds.


Manchester to Preston New Road bike ride on Tuesday 26th June – full details here.


Depart at 7am on Weds 27th June from East Oxford, returning for ~7pm on Saturday 30th June.

£30 all in, £15 deposit required, to book your space email with the subject ‘Oxford Minibus’, remainder to be paid via cash or bank transfer on the day but no one will be refused for lack of funds.

Public Transport


The nearest train station is Kirkham/Wesham. If you bring your bike, it’s a 15 minute cycle from train station to Maple Farm or you can jump on the local 61 bus.


This is a super mega cheap coach company, and gets you Preston or Blackpool, then pop on a local bus. Some seats are as low as as around £10 per journey. Link:


Look for the Number 61 Bus which takes you to Maple Farm Community Hub (take the bus in the direction of Blackpool or Preston depending on which location your coming from). Costs £3.60 one way, £4 all day pass.


Please head to the Maple Farm courtyard, there is limited parking but check-in at the Welcome Area and you will be guided to the best place to park up. Please do not use Lytham Windows customer parking, and dont pull up outside the fracking pad site.

Block Around the Clock: The Basics

The aim of ‘Block Around the Clock’ is to get enough people to the gates of Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road fracking site to stop operations for 48 hours, simply by being there.

With more than 100 people at the gates of the site, Cuadrilla find it very difficult to operate, so we will be aiming for 200 people at the gate at all times – day and night.

We’ll be operating in 8 shifts which will last 6 hours each. This is to make sure we always have enough people to shut the site, but we also make space to rest, learn and recover.

Shifts will run from 7am – 1pm, from 1pm – 7pm and so on until we’ve shut the gates for a solid 48 hours! There’ll be activities at the gates to keep us going, themes for shift teams and plenty of excitement to take us through to the end!

While these shifts are designed to make sure we both have enough people and everyone gets a rest, they aren’t rigid – if you need a break, or there’s a great workshop at the camp you want to get to, that’s absolutely fine.

Please head to the info tent/stall when you arrive at the Action Camp and sign up for shifts – ideally you’d be able to commit to at least 2 over the 48 hours.

Action and Legal Briefings are happening across the 48 hours at Camp – make sure to go along to one to get up to speed and meet others on your team.

Blockading + Building

Through our presence at the gate, we hope to not only cause physical delays to the fracking industry, but tell a story about the size, power and diversity of our movement.

Just incase the threat of fracking doesn’t disappear this weekend (!), we hope to use this opportunity of a mass get together to welcome new people and build connections and skills that will support the resistance into the next phase.

To support the gate blockade, there’ll be an ‘Action Camp’ providing a physical base (food, camping etc.) as well as a programme of events to build our skills, understanding and connections to strengthen the movement. If you’re enjoying the party, but ready to get more involved (or even lock yourself to something…) do come along to the workshops and find out more.

Practical information can be found in the next two sections, but some of the more existential FAQs.


Should I come?

YES. And bring your friends. The local community and protectors at Preston New Road have been holding this frontline since January 2017 and they always appreciate additional support. As the ‘flagship’ fracking site in the UK, it’s crucially important that resistance here is strong, and a taste of what’s to come.

I don’t know anyone – am I going to have a rubbish time?

Don’t worry! The programme and camp life means there are plenty of ways to get involved and meet new people (if you want to). You don’t need to know anyone already, or come with anyone – you will be included and involved.

I’ve never done anything like this before?

That’s great – welcome! Block Around the Clock is a mass, participatory demo designed to be impactful and intentionally accessible to as many people as possible. You don’t need to know anything in advance, and it’s all pretty straightforward. Just be being at the gate with lots of other people, you can help stop Cuadrilla and be part of a movement for a clean energy future.

Do I run the risk of getting arrested?

While there’s always a *small* risk of being arrested, Block Around the Clock has been designed as a non-arrestable blockade, shutting down the site by our presence in numbers rather than ‘lock-ons’ or more arrestable tactics.

There’s legal information and guidelines at the back of this booklet – and plenty of briefings and trainings at the camp – on what to look out for and do if you definitely don’t want to be arrested.

Do I need to stay awake for 48 hours!?

We hope not! The gate ‘shifts’ are designed so that people can get sleep, rest and time away from the roadside. For those on the ‘night’ shifts at the gate, there may be opportunities to get some kip up there, but it slightly depends on the situation.

What do I need to bring?

All the usual camping stuff, although food is provided. And of course Lancashire in June can be pretty cold and wet… so bear that in mind.

There are some shops (massive Tesco (for want of a better option), B&Q :-/) about 20 minutes walk from the camp.

I have a great musical talent / workshop I can run / something creative to offer – should I bring it?

YES. 48 hours is a long time to fill! Anything you can bring to keep yourself and comrades entertained and engaged is great. Impromptu stuff is brilliant, and if you want an official spot in the programme, let the programmes team know:

The Action Camp

Everyone is crew – get involved!

Reclaim the Power is an anti-hierarchical grassroots network, where no-one is paid or in charge.

The camp will be fun and is a great opportunity to make friends, but due to the large amount of work in building and maintaining the camp, everyone needs to help with tasks as their abilities allow – from chopping veg, washing up and re-stocking the bog roll to welcoming new people.

There will be a daily list of tasks announced during the the morning site meeting (9am, Main Space), where you can volunteer to help out. There will also be a jobs board by the Welcome Desk where you can sign up to help.

Welcome Team

The Welcome Team on Maple Farm will make sure you know everything you need to know, from the moment you arrive at the camp, and throughout your stay. We’re here to answer questions ranging from “Where do I sleep?”, and “When can I eat?” to “How can I volunteer to chop veg?”, “Where’s the First Aid tent?” and “Who can give me legal advice & counselling?” For information on workshops, activities, Reclaim the Power and more, for assistance on the camp and at the gate, a good place to start is with the Welcome Team. You can find us at Maple Farm as you enter.

Wellbeing Team

In addition, there is a Wellbeing Team, overseeing a Wellbeing tent. If you want to attend or run a session there (massage, meditation etc) or to simply spend some quiet time in its calm environment, check with the Wellbeing Board in the Welcome Tent, or ask one of our Wellbeing Team.


Little radicals are very welcome! However due to space restrictions, we will not have a designated childrens tent. We hope to provide fun child-friendly activities during the daytimes at the gate, but parents will need to be responsible for their own children. Please bring ideas, activities and enthusiasm for children of all ages, e.g face painting, circus skills, crafts etc.

The Site

The site is located at the Community Action Hub at Maple Farm, Preston New Road, PR4 3PE, a ten minute walk away from the fracking site gate. The land for the camp has been kindly offered by a member of the local campaign, so it is crucial that we respect the land and the surrounding area. We aim to make the site as accessible as we can for everyone. If you have access needs please say so to the Welcome Desk and they will be able to support you (if you have specific needs please try to let us know in advance so we can best accommodate you:

How to get there

The closest train station is Kirkham & Wesham, which is a short train ride from either Blackpool or Preston. From there, take the number 61 bus towards Blackpool Town Centre (which runs frequently throughout the day) and get off at the stop ‘Maple Farm’ which is situated directly outside the camp. There is limited parking available at Maple Farm, but If you are driving the closest postcode for the site is PR4 3PE (which points you to Lotus Drive very nearby). If you are unable to take the bus, we will able to pick you up at Kirkham and Wesham train station. Please let us know (

Camping space

There is camping space available at Maple Farm and the ‘Camp of New Hope’ (5 minute walk from Maple Farm), but it’s going to be tight. Please bear this in mind when bringing and pitching your tent – maximise sharing and minimise space! There will be contingencies in place if we exceed capacity. The Welcome Team will let you know where is best to stay as you arrive. There will also be accessible camping space available for those who need it, so if you require this please let us know (


The main site for the programme (Maple farm) will be made as accessible as possible to ensure everyone can actively participate. In addition to accessible camping space and a number of accessible toilets, there will be access routes throughout the site. There may be some challenges if we exceed capacity, and the site may become less accessible if we experience heavy rainfall (given the unpredictable climate of Lancashire, this is a possibility), but we will endeavour to accommodate everyone if this occurs. If you have any specific concerns, please do get in touch on, and please let the welcome desk know of any access needs on arrival and we will be happy to help.

Safer Spaces

We acknowledge that power, privilege and oppression in society take many different forms, and can be on the basis of ethnicity, race, class, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexuality, age, income, ability, appearance, immigration status, belief or non-belief and activist experience (not an exhaustive list).

We aim to create, non-threatening environment that encourages open-mindedness, respect and a willingness to learn from others, as well as physical and mental safety. Upholding the values of the safer space is the responsibility of everyone in the space, and we ask of everyone participating to be mindful of their behaviour, how it impacts others, and to actively challenge oppression and work towards an open and accessible environment.

We hold a basic process for dealing with conflict, based on the principle that a resolution deemed positive to all parties involved should always be sought first, whilst ensuring those bringing forth allegations under this policy feel as safe as possible.


There will be a kitchen on site serving three vegan meals (good for the environment, accessible to most) a day from Tuesday evening until Sunday lunch. Payment is on a sliding scale with suggested donations of £2 per meal, £5 per day or £20 for the whole camp. If you are unwaged or on a low income, please pay what you can afford. Gluten free options will be available. If you have more specific dietary requirements do get in touch, and we will make every effort to cater to them (although we have limited kitchen capacity).


There are numerous drinking water points available throughout the site (more information will be provided at the welcome desk). In addition to drinking water, there are also rudimentary washing facilities available at Maple Farm. Don’t stint on hygiene: washing hands is critical to making sure the camp runs safely, but please take care not to waste water.


There is a range of recycling bins next to the kitchen, which will be emptied frequently. Please try not to put rubbish in general waste and don’t drop any litter (including cigarette butts).


A number of portaloos will be located in car park of the Community Action Hub at Maple Farm and there will also be straw bale urinals.

Suggested Donations

It costs money to put on a camp like this and we are relying on contributions to cover the cost and make it possible to do this again. We ask for a donation of £20 (or more if you can afford it) from each person – based on your ability to pay. If you are on low or no income, please just give as much as you can.

The Camp of New Hope

The Camp of New Hope is a permanent anti-fracking camp established on a plot of land behind Lytham Windows, with protectors living there full-time, year-round since March 2017.

The Camp is very welcoming, has a kitchen and toilet facilities and enjoys support from the local community.

People are very welcome to camp here (check with the Welcome Team first), but are reminded to be especially respectful as people live here full time.

The Camp is a dry camp (no alcohol), and they ask that you don’t take photographs without permission.

Support and Recovery Team

Reclaim the Power’s newly formed Support and Recovery team will be present throughout Block Around the Clock to provide support for people who have experienced or witnessed violent policing tactics or other high stress events. We recognise the need for resilience and care within our networks and the importance of giving ourselves time and space to properly heal in order to get back up and continue resisting.

You will see the Support and Recovery team at the gate and in the welcome area. We will be clearly visible in pink high vis jackets and around to offer one to one support where needed and a workshop for everyone about how to protect ourselves emotionally and build our resilience.

We’ll be there to listen, giving you a space to feel and be understood and we will help you plan next steps to aid your recovery after a high stress event. We will also offer follow up support if you need it, to ensure you are cared for after being at the action.

Look out for the pink high-vis jackets, and ‘Support and Recovery’ sessions in the programme.