Revolving door between Drax and government closed

Jun 1, 2015 | Press Releases

Two activists from Reclaims the Power have blocked the revolving doors at Invesco, the former employer of the new junior DECC minister Andrea Leadson.

This morning (1 June 2015) at 9am two activists from Reclaim the Power are blocking the revolving doors at Invesco’s London headquarters in protest of the revolving door between such companies and government posts. The investment management company own 26% of Drax coal fired power station and protesters want an end to the use of coal, which is worsening climate change.

Simultaneously, another pair of activists from the group have dropped a banner from a nearby bridge ledge which reads “Congratulations on your new job. Ten years investing in fossil fuels and now our new energy minister.” The police have closed the road leading to Invesco and are bringing in a special crew to remove the team.

One of the activists, Matilda Wnek told us:
“These companies and government are in each other’s pockets and shutting the revolving door will help change the decisions made to ones that are in the public interest, not in the interests of the fossil fuel industry.”

Invesco revolving door action

Invesco revolving door action 5

Invesco revolving door action 6

BANNER: Congratulations on your new job. Ten years investing in fossil fuels and now our new energy minister.