The day of action on Monday 1st June can be whatever you want it to be! There will be a range of activities to suit you – from family-friendly actions at Didcot itself, to office occupations of fossil fuel extractors, and blockades of their activities, all around the country.
Don’t have a group to take action with? Don’t sweat! Find out about our “activist speed dating” process here.
Don’t have a group to take action with? Don’t sweat! Find out about our “activist speed dating” process here.
It’s totally up to you whether you want to paint and display banners outside an office or fossil-fuel extraction site, or whether you want to be involved in actions with more of an arrest risk. There will be actions that are suitable for families with children (and face-paint!), options for people with disabilities and roles for anyone who absolutely cannot risk being arrested (for whatever reason).
Here’s what happened last year.
There will be legal briefings beforehand, to help you weigh up your options. Or you can be a legal observer. Training is provided during the weekend, for anyone wanting to take on this crucial role, helping to protect other camp participants from wrongful arrests or convictions.
There are also essential roles for people willing to stay at the camp, making sure there is food and other support when people return from the day of action. Whatever your preferences and abilities, you’ll find there’s a vital role to suit you.
One of the best things about taking action is the process of forming new “affinity groups” of around half-a-dozen like-minded people who can either take a small-group action together, or take on a particular role in a larger action. If you’ve not doing anything like this before, you can join in our wonderful “activist speed dating” process, to find people who are on your wavelength in terms of the kind of activities you are happy and keen to be involved in.
Find out more about our activist speed dating process here.