We want to make sure everyone has an amazing experience at Reclaim the Power so we’ve pulled together a really exciting programme of workshops, discussions and speakers as well as preparing to take action

Given the phenomenal range of groups and individuals Reclaim the Power is bringing together, we hope everyone will use it as an opportunity to explore a new issue or learn a fresh skill.

We look forward, especially, to welcoming people from the local area to participate in our programme.



header THU





14 August

12 noon Welcome Tent and Villages
Campers arrive, pitch tents, and help complete the building of the site.
3pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Tranquility Team Training How to Build a Compost Loo Kitchen Training
4pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Grow Heathrow – Resisting Eviction and airport expansion TBA TBA
5pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Transatlantic Solidarity – talk with US anti-fracking activist
Elizabeth Arnold
TBA TBA Legal Observer Training
Green and Black Cross
6pm Kitchens
7pm Main Marquee
Plenary: Welcome to Reclaim the Power
8pm Main Marquee
DA Training/Activist Speed Dating
9pm Main Marquee
9pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Queer Space Storytelling Area Open Space
11pm Whole site
Power down

header FRI





15 August

8am Main Marquee
Yoga / Meditation
8:30am Kitchens
9:30am Villages
Village morning meetings
10am Whole site
Site work: Help keep the site running as a self contained community
11am Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Food is Power – tasty alternatives for world peace Set up your own housing co-op
Radical Routes
Unemployment 101: Workfare – know your rights
Boycott Workfare
Know Your Rights
Green and Black Cross
12 noon Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Planning to Frack? Understanding planning permission law
Friends of the Earth
Tranquility Team Training How to Run Effective Meetings
Seeds for Change / London Roots Collective
1pm Kitchens
2pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Reclaiming Unions 1 – The fight for the climate and 1 Million Climate Jobs
with PCS Union, Jonathan Neale (Author of 1 Million Climate Jobs) and Unite activists TBC (1.5 hours)
Where does our energy come from? And how can we stand in solidarity with affected communities?
Platform, World Development Movement, London Mining Network
Radioactive aspects of Fracking
3pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Time to Act – Building
for the Paris Climate Summit 2015

Campaign Against Climate Change
(1.5 hrs, starts at 3:30)
Fracking won’t
bring down the bills – what will?
Fuel Poverty Action
Consensus Decision Making
Seeds for Change / London Roots Collective
4pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Time to Act cont’d Sabotaging Hunts and the Badger Cull – Talk and discussion on how and why we do it
Hunt Sabs
Extreme Energy Campaign Panel
Biofuelwatch, Coal Action Network, SWAN
5pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
An Introduction to Anarchism and Anarchist Organising Tranquility Team Training Climate change could be the best thing that ever happened to us
Reclaim the Power
Legal Observer training
Green and Black Cross
6pm Kitchens
7pm Main Marquee
Plenary: TBA
8pm Main Marquee
DA Training/Activist Speed Dating
9pm Main Marquee
Entertainment – Cycling Cinema
9pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Queer Space TBA Open Space
11pm Whole site
Power down

header SAT





16 August

8am Main Marquee
Yoga / Meditation
8:30am Kitchens
9:30am Villages
Village morning meetings
10am Whole site
Site work: Help keep the site running as a self contained community
11am Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
How to Set Up a Renewal Energy Co-Op Researching the fracking industry and their ties to Government
Divestment: a tool in the fight against the fossil fuel industry – global and local campaigns
350.org and People and Planet (2 hrs)
Know Your Rights
Green and Black Cross
12 noon Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
How to Set Up a Renewal Energy Co-Op An Introduction to Climate Science
Danny Chivers
Divestment: a tool in the fight against the fossil fuel industry – global and local campaigns
1pm Kitchens
2pm Main Marquee
Community Anti-fracking forum – tactics, strategies and capacity building
hosted by Frack Free Dee and Friends of the Earth
4pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
SQUASH – The campaign for housing rights and the de-criminalisation of squatting Creative action against the fossil fuel industry
BP or not BP
Stop the Corporate Power Grab: what is TTIP and how do we beat it? –
World Development Movement
5pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
An introduction to extreme energy
Energy workers struggles in the UK – from fossil fuels to renewables TBA Legal Observer training
Green and Black Cross
6pm Kitchens
7pm Main Marquee
Plenary: TBA
8pm Main Marquee
DA Training/Activist Speed Dating
9pm Main Marquee
9pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Queer Space TBA Open Space
11pm Whole site
Power down

header SUN





17 August

8am Main Marquee
Yoga / Meditation
8:30am Kitchens
9:30am Villages
Village morning meetings
10am Whole site
Site work: Help keep the site running as a self contained community
11am Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Frack Free Families presents Parenting and Fractivism: overcoming obstacles
Frack Free Families (2hrs)
Reclaiming Unions 2
with 3Cosas, Curzon Cinema Workers, IWW Pizza Hut workers union, the Blacklist Support Group and Polish ‘Workers Initiative’ union organiser
TBA Know Your Rights
Green and Black Cross
12 noon Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Frack Free Families presents Parenting and Fractivism: overcoming obstacles
Frack Free Families
You’ve been arrested, now what?
Personal account from activists
1pm Kitchens
2pm Whole Site
Solidarity Sunday Event
5pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Occupy Democracy
Occupy London
TBA TBA Legal Observer training
Green and Black Cross
6pm Kitchens
7pm Main Marquee
Plenary: Preparing for Action
8pm Main Marquee
DA Training/Activist Speed Dating
9pm Main Marquee
9pm Workshop space 1 Workshop space 2 Workshop space 3 Legal tent
Queer Space TBA Open Space
11pm Whole site
Power down

header MON





18 August

8am Main Marquee
Yoga / Meditation
8:30am Kitchens
9:30am Villages
Village morning meetings
10am Whole site
Site work: Help keep the site running as a self contained community
1pm Kitchens
6pm Kitchens
9pm Main Marquee
11pm Whole site
Power down

header TUE





19 August

8am Main Marquee
Yoga / Meditation
8:30am Kitchens
9:30am Villages
Village morning meetings
10am Whole site
Site work: Help keep the site running as a self contained community
11am Main Marquee <strong
Where Next for the Environmental Movement?
facilitated Kit Jones
1pm Kitchens
2pm Main Marquee
Plenary: Where Next for Reclaim the Power?
4pm Main Marquee
Plenary: Working Group Time
5pm Main Marquee
Tour De Frack – Bike tour of solidarity to new sites
6pm Kitchens
8pm Main Marquee
Power down

header WED





20 August

9am Kitchens
10am Main Marquee
  Plenary: Returning the land to nature