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The Rolling Resistance Ride – from Manchester to Blackpool by bike

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Roll on to the Rolling Resistance this July as anti-fracking activists converge on Preston New Road to stop the fracking industry in its tracks.

Beginning in central Manchester, this one day bike ride will wind its way through local sites of fossil fuel resistance including Barton Moss and Bolton before linking up with an evening ride from Preston.

By evening, we’ll arrive at the Camp of New Hope – and join the frontline resistance against fracking at Preston New Road on Friday 21 July. Here we’ll join the Food Growers network for an roadside banquet outside the gates of Cuadrllia’s frack pad near Blackpool.

Meet at 11am in Picaddily Gardens in Central Manchester.

Register for the ride here.

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Ride and Accommodation Logistics

The 45 mile journey will ride at a medium pace taking regular breaks. The ride is free to attend. We will have a support vehicle to take tents and other luggage from the start point at Manchester to the finish point at Preston New Road.

There is a chance to join the ride for the final section from Preston to Blackpool. Meet at 7pm at Avenham Park in Preston.

Background to the Fylde Gas Field

Since January 2017, there has been fierce resistance to Cuadrilla’s fracking operations at Preston New Road. For the entire month of July, affinity groups will be taking daily action against the fracking industry in Lancashire. More details here:

What you need to bring:

– a working bike with puncture repair kit and pump.
– a sleeping bag, roll matt and tent.
– waterproofs
– A desire to change the world

Let us know you’re coming by registering here:
