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Stop Fracking: The Rolling Resistance at Preston New Road – July 2017 timetable

We’re working on a timetable of workshops, trainings, demonstrations and events for July. We’ll be updating this page regularly so keep checking back.  You can download and print publicity materials for the mass demonstrations on Fridays here. 

Monday 24th July Action day

Tuesday 25th July Action day

Wednesday 26th July Action day

Thursday 27th July Action day

Friday 28th July 8am to 6pm: Carnival for a Frack Free Future
8-10am Preparations for Carnival 
10am- Walk up to the site 
Mass Demo: we will be celebrating a future without fracking!
Workshops on carrying on the fight for climate justice.

7pm – Dinner at Maple Farm
8pm: Action Round Up from the Week

Saturday 29th July Talks and workshops on long running campaigns and future generations (tbc).
11am – Site Meeting (All Welcome) 
11.45am – 4.30pm Direct Action Training
10-11pm Skill share- lock on, tripods and working with height with Row
12noon-1pm Friends of the Earth Scotland sharing 

2pm – 3.30pm: From short conversations great movements grow: sharing lessons from the successful campaign to ban fracking in Ireland

3.30pm – 5pm:
Resistance begins at home: Learning from the fight against evictions by Spain’s community housing groups
Sunday 30th July 9am – 12pm: Welfare session (yoga and meditation)
12pm – 4pm: Tap Down (we will start destructing the site) 
4pm- Poet – Hery Raby + ,more TBC
Monday 31st July Action day