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wind turbine assembly

This is a call for participants for a 4-day workshop to build a small DIY wind turbine from hand tools and raw materials. This wind turbine can be moved around and put up at local and national events to demonstrate renewable energy. We plan to put it up for the duration of the Reclaim the Power anti-fracking action camp this summer!

The turbine will have a 1.8m rotor diameter and generate 300W above rated wind speed. If enough people join the workshop, we will also be making an 8 metre tower and off-grid battery system to go with the wind turbine. This can be used for lighting and charging devices such as laptops and mobile phones.

The course will take place from Thursday 31st July to Sunday 3rd August at Bicester Green community workshop in Oxfordshire: . Days will run from 10am-6pm and we will have some social opportunities in the evenings.

People coming from outside Oxfordshire will be offered free accommodation with members of the local community action groups network. Food will be provided for hungry workers 🙂

Unfortunately we have to ask for a participation fee to cover material costs and tools and workshop hire, which is a sliding scale of £210/£140/£70, but if you can persuade us why you should take part for less, feel free to barter! Places are limited, so please book soon:
Click to bag your place!
Participants will:

Develop practical skills such as welding, woodwork, electronics and working with resin.
Develop knowledge of the theoretical aspects of wind energy, aerodynamics and alternator theory.
Experience working in a team.
Have fun!

On the Sunday afternoon, we will aim to practice setting up the completed wind turbine temporarily at a local site, with its tower and full electrical system, to see it generating free clean green electricity, and practice for installation at events later in the summer and beyond!

During the course we endeavor to create an inclusive atmosphere. We do not assume any previous knowledge or experience and make sure any participants who are new to wind power theory and/or using the various tools are supported. Participants more familiar with either element are able to develop practical skills and we are always on hand to answer and discuss more in ­depth questions. We will also have group discussions during the course about when and where the turbine can be used, and the role of DIY energy in our campaigning activities and local circles.

The course is being run by V3 Power who are a renewable energy workers cooperative based in Nottingham, UK. They have been building, installing and running courses about small wind turbines since 2006 and are committed to pursuing positive social and environmental change. For more information about their previous project experience, please visit:

Register your place on the course here

Exciting leaflet here