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If courts won’t stop the third runway, people will.

If courts won’t stop the third runway, people will.

In 2015, just two weeks after the Paris climate agreement was put into place, the UK government exposed their disregard for the climate, and the lives of people around the world, by approving a third runway at Heathrow Airport. Five years later, the runway still isn’t...
Programme – Power Beyond Borders

Programme – Power Beyond Borders

Our programme is now complete and can we promise some great workshops, speakers, performances, and mass actions including (but not limited to!): Workshops such as Connecting our struggles beyond borders: resisting gas in Mexico, Mozambique and Indonesia; and The...
Action consensus at Power Beyond Borders

Action consensus at Power Beyond Borders

Reclaim the Power is taking direct action this summer against both the gas infrastructure fuelling the climate crisis, and the UK’s Hostile Environment for migrants. Alongside two days of mass direct action there will be demonstrations accessible to those who need to...

Drax Power Station: burning all the things

On 4th April, campaigners handed in a petition signed by over 96,000 people, and an open letter signed by 89 organisations to the secretary of state for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Greg Clark, urging him to refuse permission for the UK’s largest...