Our programme is now complete and can we promise some great workshops, speakers, performances, and mass actions including (but not limited to!):
- Workshops such as Connecting our struggles beyond borders: resisting gas in Mexico, Mozambique and Indonesia; and The climate justice movement: Stepping up for 2020
- Panel discussions, including What Effective Solidarity Looks Like
- Legal Observer, Know Your Rights, and Anti-Racist trainings
- A play about what it means to be a migrant in the UK, created and performed by people who’ve lived the experience
- Day of action on the Hostile Environment (Monday)
- Day of action on new gas infrastructure (Tuesday)
There will be an art space, a wellbeing area, and young people’s tent which will be open without specific programme of events.
Workshop times/spaces are subject to change so check what’s on at the welcome tent!
Here’s a camp guide with all the info you need, including:
- Camp information
- Workshop descriptions
- Timetable
- Safer Spaces Policy
- Action Consensus
- Know Your Rights – legal briefing
See full programme and guide below (use arrows on the bottom left to move between pages)
PBB_timetable-2 booklet_update_wedsDOWNLOAD PROGRAMME HERE (zoom in to read!)