Meet Reclaim the Power! – Camp Information Meeting for Local Residents

Jul 31, 2014 | Uncategorized


Monday 4th August
Blackpool Hilton Hotel
Tea and coffee will be served.

Local residents of Lancashire are warmly welcomed to find out more about our Reclaim the Power anti-fracking action camp, coming to Blackpool from August 14-20.

This meeting is organised by a Community Liaison group from within Frack Free Lancashire.

They say:

“We are really excited, as over 1000 volunteers will be here from 14-21st August to help with our anti-fracking campaign. This is the group that stopped Cuadrilla drilling in Bolcombe last year and works tirelessly to gain justice for communities facing threats.

Please invite your friends, neighbours, work mates and others – especially those with concerns about the impact of an anti-fracking camp. This is a very supportive and positive action but for many outside of the subject of fracking, it is something not understood.

We want to introduce the national group behind Reclaim the Power, No Dash For Gas as well as the groups that make up Frack Free Lancashire; we’ll explain what is likely to happen over the week-long camp, why we have invited them and then hold a Q&A for all residents.

Please join us and make the most of this much needed support. We are challenging the power of Cuadrilla and the stubborn determination of our government and need all the help we can get if we are to ensure our communities are protected from the risks of fracking.”

We look forward to meeting you and answering all your questions, and hopefully working together in the future. [v_icon color=”#e554de” size=”18px” target=”_blank” name=”moon-heart-5″]