Pier to Pier – March for a Frack Free Lancashire

Aug 15, 2014 | Uncategorized

Cuadrilla are trying to frack Lancashire but local people are fighting back.

Meet at Blackpool South Pier at 2pm THIS SUNDAY 17th AUGUST

Mothers, grandmothers, children and supporters have been occupying a proposed fracking site near Blackpool for the last week. They have been joined by hundreds of supporters from Reclaim the Power who are camping alongside them.

Come and march in solidarity with them THIS SUNDAY 17th AUGUST and show Cuadrilla that we mean business.

Meet at the South Pier at 2pm – look out for the yellow t-shirts. We will march up to the North Pier.

– Banners
– Placards
– All your mates

Afterwards we will be having a picnic on the beach – join us for ice-cream, candy-floss and fish and chips!

Pier to Pier