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For immediate release: 27th July

CONTACT:, 07404016676

PHOTOS: See Reclaim the Power’s Flickr


  • Cuadrilla are reporting that the drill rig has been delivered to the Preston New Road site

  • A convoy of 18 lorries entered site at 4am this morning, despite regulations stating that no vehicles should enter site outside of working hours

  • ‘Lorry surfers’ have been occupying trucks carrying heavy kit to the site since 8am yesterday. Three surfers remain on top of trucks, one has been arrested, as have three others who were sitting in front of a lorry

  • Two cars carrying four people locked-on inside are now blockading the Preston New Road gates.

Ellie Groves, spokesperson for Reclaim the Power, commented:

‘We heard today that Cuadrilla have moved a drill rig onto site at Preston New Road. But while they congratulate themselves, we won’t be distracted by today’s news, and it will only strengthen everybody’s resolve to keep fighting.  

‘Cuadrilla have been trying to frack in Lancashire for years but thanks to the strength of the local community they have been stopped at every turn. In the last month alone, hundreds of people from across the UK have come together to support the local community and take action and prevent such a reckless and undemocratic industry getting a foothold.

‘Despite Cuadrilla’s smug assurances, fracking is an industry doomed to fail – investors have lost confidence, supply chain companies are cancelling their contracts and public and political opposition is at an all-time high. We won’t allow fracking; not here, not anywhere.’


  • See Cuadrilla’s press release on their website
  • Public and political opposition to fracking is at an all time high – communities across the UK, here in Lancashire and beyond, have sustained resistance for the last 6 years to stop fracking in its tracks, and now, the Conservatives are the only major political party that still supports this dirty industry.  The Government’s own statistics show that only 19% of the public support fracking, compared to 79% for renewables.  66% of Lancs residents are concerned about the impact of fracking on Lancashire’s natural environment, and almost three-quarters (73%) think Lancashire County Council should have the final say on whether fracking should go ahead – not central government.
  • The fracking industry knows it has to deliver results soon, as investors and supply chain companies are losing confidence, and they are rapidly losing money.