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#NoTTIP, national day of action

Saturday 12th July 2014 | #noTTIP

Behind closed doors, the EU and US are planning the biggest corporate power grab in a decade. On Saturday 12 July, people in towns and cities across the UK will be coming together to say: hands off!

Find out more about the #noTTIP day of action:

If agreed, the EU-US Trade Deal (TTIP) would grant corporations the power to sue governments, threatening our public services, environment, food, privacy and democracy.

But together we can stop TTIP. Protests are gathering pace across the EU and US. On Saturday 12 July 2014, just two days before the next round of TTIP negotiations begin in Brussels, people in towns and cities across the UK will be taking action together.

We can defeat this unjust deal. But now is the time to raise our voices.

Join the #noTTIP day of action:

>> Action in Central London

Meet 12 noon outside the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for a creative action with a few surprises. Sign up to the Facebook event to find out more:

>> Actions elsewhere

Actions are confirmed in 20 towns and cities across the country, with more to come. Find out more at

If there’s no action listed near you, it’s easy to organise one yourself – find out how here.

The #noTTIP day of action is supported by:

15MLondon,, Biofuelwatch, Campaign Against Climate Change, Community Food Growers Network, Corporate Watch, Disabled People Against Cuts, European Greens in London, Frack Free Sussex, Frack Off London, Friends of the Earth, Fuel Poverty Action, Globalise Resistance, GMB, Green Party London, Green Party of England and Wales, GreenNet, IOPS, Jubilee Debt Campaign, Keep Our NHS Public, Lewisham People Before Profit, London Federation of Green Parties, Occupy London, Open Rights Group, OurNHS, People & Planet, People’s Assembly Against Austerity, Pirate Party UK, Platform, Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), Reclaim the Power, Red Pepper, Roj Women’s Association, STOPAIDS, Student Stop Aids Campaign, SumOfUs, Tax-payers Against Poverty, UK Food Group, UK Uncut, Unison, University and College Union (UCU), War on Want, We Own It, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, World Development Movement, Young Greens.