Tour de Frack Rides into Hebden Bridge

Aug 20, 2014 | News

Tour de Frack bannerEleven cyclists from the activist network Reclaim The Power stopped off to chat to local campaigners in Longridge. Lancs and Hebden Bridge, Yorks today. The group set off from the anti fracking protest that has been holding a week of workshops and direct action next to the proposed new fracking site outside of Blackpool. They’ll reach Hull on Saturday to join those resisting the fracking exploration sites in West Newton and Crawberry Hill, East Yorkshire.

Press Release: Wed 20th August 2014

Tom Hepworth, 55 of Blackpool said: ‘We’re riding coast to coast in demonstration of solidarity with communities on the front line of struggle against the threat posed by this recklessly destructive industry’.

Anna Snook, 43 of Gwent said: ‘From the lovely ladies of Nannagate near Blackpool to the beauty of the Pennines, the only thing thats desolate around here is Cuadrilla and their government cronies. Fracking threatens our water, our jobs and out future, but its not inevitable. Other countries have already banned it; if we get together we can protect our land and livelihoods.’

The cyclists welcome anyone to join them for a ride and a chat. They’ll be leaving from Hebden Square at 9am tomorrow (Thursday 21 August) where they’ll also be collecting fracking objection letters to Lancashire County Council. The ride next stops off in Keighley and Otley, finishing Thursdays cycling in York.

Tour de Frack depart 1Tour de Frack at Nanagate