Anti-fracking action camp to hit Blackpool

Jul 21, 2014 | Press Releases

Reclaim the Power action camp which stopped Cuadrilla drilling for six days in Balcombe last year is heading for the Blackpool area.

The camp will take place from the 14th August – 20th August. Around 1000 people are expected to attend. Last year Caroline Lucas was arrested along with a number of other protestors and activists, all of whom were acquitted. The protest last year prompted a Cuadrilla executive to say that they were being ‘smashed.’

This year the Reclaim the Power camp will include a demonstration in the local area on Sunday 17th and a day of direct action on Monday 18th as well as a series of workshops on direct action hosted by an unprecedented coalition of climate and social justice groups and unions. The camp aims to support a local community where 18 anti-fracking groups are opposing shale gas extraction in the area and over 15,000 objections have been lodged with the local council.

‘We’re excited to support the local community at risk of fracking. Cuadrilla and the fracking industry think that they can bulldoze local community rights but it is clear that they have no social license to operate. This is the front line of the fight against extreme energy – it started here, let’s end it here.‘ Sam Leyton from Reclaim the Power

‘For three years we have grown our movement, shared the facts about fracking at public meetings, opposed planning applications, lobbied our MPs and done everything to ensure our voices are heard. They still aren’t listening though. We need all the help we can get. That Reclaim the Power are coming to stand by us as they did the residents of Balcombe is fantastic news and we look forward to offering a Lancashire welcome.’ Tina Louise from Residents Action on Fylde Fracking (RAFF)

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