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Calling all fighters of fracking and climate champions!

Swing into spring and warm up for an exciting summer of action with a massive dance off at the gates of the Preston New Road fracking site. On Friday 16th March Reclaim the Power will be dropping a live Ceilidh of resistance in the tracks of Lancashire’s drilling trucks and mixing it up with the legendary tunes of Pete the Temp, local poetry, a pub quiz and hot food from the community kitchen.

Download high-res poster here.

Jig At The Rig: Mass Anti-fracking Dance Off
Preston New Road, Lancashire
Friday 16th March 2018
8am – 6pm

Facebook event here.

Time and again, local communities have shown the shale gas industry it has no social license to frack in the UK. With a long winter behind us and fracking proposed to start soon at PNR, it is now more important than ever to show the locals of Lancashire some love and support – and a great opportunity to learn more about their audacious summer plans and how you can get involved. 

Together we’ll send a clear message to fracking company Cuadrilla and their investors: we are powerful, resilient and wide awake, and we will not let you frack Lancashire. The Rolling Resistance in July 2017 showed how strong we are when we work together. Now join us – if enough of us make it to the gates, we can shut the site down for the day!

This will be a spring-themed, family-friendly demo. Everyone is welcome, so come along and invite your friends! Bring your instruments, poetry and passion for justice. Come as you are or dress to impress in your finest Easter bonnets, wigs against rigs and anti-fracking fascinators. Please use #JigTheRig when you share.

Transport to Preston New Road
For transport from London please email:
For transport from Bristol please email:
For transport from Oxord please see this Facebook event.
For transport from Leeds please see this Facebook event.
For transport from Sheffield, please see this Facebook event.
For transport from Lancaster, please see this Facebook event.

And whilst you’re in the area….

Reclaim the Power national gathering
Saturday 17th – Sunday 18th March 2018
10.30am – 6pm (Saturday). 10am – 2pm (Sunday)
Blackpool  (venue to be announced)
Facebook event here.

Make plans to fight the fossil fuel industry this summer 2018 and Reclaim the Power’s open organising meeting.  Organising cools the planet!  Indoor sleeping accommodation in the Blackpool area will be provided.

Audacious summer plans?

From April to June 2018 (that’s right, for 3 whole months!) the locals of Lancashire are calling on anti-frackers from across the country to join them and take action when it hits the industry the most – when they start fracking. They have a beautiful plan for different groups to take turns to roll out an action a week, called the United Resistance. For more information  see the United Resistance facebook page.