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For immediate release: 27/02/17


UK — Anti-fracking network Reclaim the Power have today revealed plans to escalate action against the fracking industry in response to attempts to begin drilling in Yorkshire and Lancashire [1]. The announcement follows a public rally at the Preston New Road fracking site on Saturday.

Activists have announced plans to pressure companies in the fracking ‘supply chain’ during a fortnight of direct action called ‘Break the Chain’. From March 27th – April 10th, Reclaim the Power groups across the country will use direct action to disrupt companies supplying services and materials to the fracking industry, aiming to pressure them into dropping contracts [2].

Over the coming months, hundreds of people will also be trained to take action ahead of plans for a more sustained campaign of resistance to the industry on the ground this summer, should companies move to begin fracking [3].

Ash Hewitson from Reclaim the Power said;

“For six years, the people of Lancashire have successfully fought off fracking. Along with other communities across the UK, they have held rallies, signed petitions, talked to their MPs and councillors, and lodged opposition through local planning processes.

“But now the industry is raising the stakes and pressing ahead with its plans, and the Westminster government is finding any way it can to force fracking on communities, despite overwhelming opposition.

“So we need new strategies to resist. Fracking companies don’t exist in isolation; and we can stop the industry if we cut it off from the systems it needs to survive. By taking out the links in the chain we can break the whole industry into pieces.”

In the past few weeks several firms have dropped their contracts with Cuadrilla owing to continued resistance in the form of slow walking, road side protests and lock ons [4]. Activists hope that further pressure could lead to many more pulling out.

Tina Rothery, anti-fracking Nana from Lancashire commented;

“The people who stand at the roadside every day in Lancashire couldn’t be more grateful for groups like Reclaim the Power and the actions they have planned. They continue to provide support for us, to spread our message and bring us hope.”

About Reclaim the Power

Reclaim the Power is a UK-based direct action network fighting for social, environmental and economic justice. We aim to build a broad based movement, working in solidarity with frontline communities to effectively confront environmentally-destructive industries and the social and economic forces driving climate change.

We’ve been working to oppose fracking since 2013 when we organised mass action at Balcombe. Since then, we’ve hosted anti-fracking action camps in Blackpool and Didcot, and taken countless actions to expose and resist the industry.


  1. Read Reclaim the Power’s statement on Cuadrilla’s commencement of work in Lancashire on the website
  2. An index of companies in the fracking supply chain can be found on the Frack Off website
  3. Read more about Reclaim the Power’s plans on the website
  4. Most recently, quarry operators Armstrong Aggregates have terminated their contract with Cuadrilla after local protest. Moore Readymix concrete company have also ended their contract. To view a full list, see the Break the Chain webpage.


For further quotes, photos from previous actions and more information:, 07981277248