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CONTACT: For further information, photo and video, and interviews:

Reclaim the Power announces BREAK THE CHAIN 2018, a fortnight of direct actions targeting the fracking industry, and companies and politicians who support and facilitate it in June 2018.

BREAK THE CHAIN 2018 takes place 11-24 June 2018 as activists promise a fortnight of action disrupting companies across the UK supplying services and materials to the fracking industry. This will culminate the following week with ‘Block Around the Clock’, a protest of unprecedented scale and duration in Lancashire’s 7 year long anti-fracking history. Due to the nature of the other events planned, few details will be available in advance. Latest information during the fortnight will be available at @reclaimthepower.

Kate Robertson, member of Reclaim the Power (London) said,

“Fracking is a major threat to public health and does not offer meaningful secure jobs like a thriving renewables industry would. Local people have repeatedly rejected it, but are now faced with a double attack: from companies resorting to bullying tactics, and a government now taking further steps to deprive residents of the right to decide whether their community should be fracked

The fracking industry is on the ropes – plans are behind schedule and the economic case for fracking is getting weaker and weaker. Meanwhile the movement is stronger than ever. We will continue to challenge any individual or organisation facilitating the fracking industry. We have a commitment to the people of Lancashire and won’t rest until fracking is defeated”.


  • Last summer, the organisers of this event, Reclaim the Power, hosted a month long “Rolling Resistance” at Preston New Road, during which time work was disrupted every working day of July.
  • In June 2015, Lancashire County Council voted no to fracking. Their decision was overturned in October 2016 by the central Government, who have since done everything they can to make life as easy as possible for fracking companies through changes to planning and trespass laws.
  • The Government recently announced plans to make test drilling easier for developers by removing the need to apply for planning permission and class fracking as nationally significant infrastructure, meaning approval will come at a national rather than local level. See Reclaim the Power’s response here.
  • For photos of previous actions and demonstrations last July, see Reclaim the Power’s Flickr
  • For previous press releases and blogs, see the Reclaim the Power website



Chris Saltmarsh, member of Reclaim the Power (Oxford) said, “We oppose fracking here in Lancashire and across the world. That’s why we say ‘not here, not anywhere’ loudly and clearly when fossil fuel is imposed our communities. We need to keep all fossil fuels in the ground to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, which are felt disproportionately by women, the poorest and people of colour in the Global South. New gas is not a transition fuel, it locks us unnecessarily into dirty energy for generations to come.”