A Rolling Blockade of the Balcombe fracking site, 1st September – 28th September
Fracking company Cuadrilla’s governmental licence to drill in Balcombe ends on September 28th. The government may be allowing them to drill but they have no social licence from the people of Balcombe to frack their land and threaten their water supply. Neither do they have any mandate to begin an entire wave of fracking across the country. The vast majority of people in the UK want cleaner, greener energy.
After the upsurge of climate activism at Reclaim the Power in August, let’s make these last 28 days count. Let’s halt their work at Balcombe, and also send a strong message to those wanting to frack elsewhere.
A blockade has been on-going at the drilling site, but trucks have still been getting through. Now it’s time to up the ante.
We invite groups from around the country to come and play a part in a 28 day rolling blockade.
Think creatively and act responsibly. Pick a weekday before September 28, gather friends and useful kit get yourselves to Balcombe.
Fracking is stoppable, another world is possible.
* People are reminded that this is a peaceful blockade and that the Balcombe camp is alcohol-free.
* For further information please contact 28dayslater.balcombe@gmail.com
* Follow us on Twitter (@28_dayslater) and like us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/28dayslaterrollingblockade)
Helpful Information for groups considering action
We would really encourage groups to put out their own press release. However, if you would like support in getting your press release to a wide range of journalists please email the No Dash for Gas press team (press[at]nodashforgas.org.uk) but also call them on 07447027112 to let them know you need it sending!
It’s best if you are really honest in what you tell the media about why you are there, but some key messages you might like to consider are as follows:
1. If we use the fossil fuels we already have access to we will be committing ourselves to catastrophic runaway climate change. Therefore, searching and drilling for new fossil fuels is completely ludicrous.
2. We need to make a positive transition to low carbon economy that is just, where people no longer have to choose between eating or heating their homes. The fracking companies, who are only interested in making money, are part of the problem; if we let these companies call the shots we’ll be stuck with dirty fuels at unaffordable prices.
3. The majority of people want green energy. There is an opportunity to create a wealth of green jobs across the UK using the fantastic renewable resources in the natural environment. Our waves and our wind make us one of the best placed countries to transform the energy economy.
4. Decisions around energy policy must be to be truly democratic if we are going to make this transition fairly. Yet, communities like Balcombe are being invaded, against the will 82% of residents, by this reckless and dangerous industry.
5. We are the last generation who can pull the breaks on climate change. The government and their corporate chums have repeatedly shown us they are unwilling to take the necessary steps. Therefore, we need a mass movement of concerned individuals to take a stand; that is what 28 Days Later is all about.
Please can you also consider putting the following contacts on your press release:
- No Fracking in Balcombe Society (NoFIBS) – 07810 868 477
- 28 Days Later – 28dayslater.balcombe[at]gmail.com
- Twitter (@28_dayslater) and Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/28dayslaterrollingblockade
- The Balcombe Community Protection Camp– 07794 495 871
- Reclaim the Power – 07447 027 112
Think about taking photos or filming your action, which can then be tweeted out or uploaded to the YouTube.
There are a limited number of legal observers at the camp outside the drilling site who are prepared to offer legal observing. However, they have also expressed a wish that groups consider bringing their own legal observers.
If you are interested in legal observer training please contact Green and Black Cross: gbc[at]riseup.net
Before you set off (whatever you are planning as the unexpected can happen) make sure you take down the arrestee support number: 07516642558
If you are arrested for whatever reason we strongly recommend that you contact Kelley’s Solicitors. They have done a fantastic job so far and will be able to put you in touch with the arrest support team in Brighton. The number you need is: 01273 674 898 and 0800387463
You might also consider printing bust cards before you depart: http://greatgasgala.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/GGG_bust_card.pdf
Other practical information
How do get there? http://greatgasgala.org.uk/map/
Images from overhead: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2385107/Balcombe-Sussex-fracking-Photos-potential-site-sparked-huge-protests.html
We urge groups to remain respectful of the local area and not take action that will disrupt the lives of Balcombe residents.
No one is encouraging anyone else to take illegal action. People remain responsible for the actions they take.