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August 12th-19th will see thousands camp in a locality where drilling is taking place
‘Reclaim the Power’ will stand in solidarity with communities opposing fracking

Camp will be a hub for skillshares, workshops, entertainment and direct action

Monday March 31st

For immediate release

As IPCC report shows urgent need to stop exploitation of new fossil fuels, climate protest network Reclaim the Power, which shut down Cuadrilla’s operations in Balcombe last year, vows to take action against the UK fracking industry this summer.

With just two weeks notice last July, organisers changed their plans from targeting EDF’s West Burton gas power station in Nottingahmshire to going for Cuadrilla in Balcombe.

Thousands converged in the Sussex village last August for a five day camp which saw protesters target a drilling site, Cuadrilla’s PR company Bell Pottinger, pro-fracking MP Frances Maude and George Osborne’s father in law – Lord ‘Desolate North’ Howell.

Direct action camps have sprung up all over the country wherever test drilling has taken place, most recently in Barton Moss near Manchester and now at Danes Hill in Nottinghamshire. There are now over 100 local anti-fracking groups around the UK and Ireland opposed to the government-backed extreme energy drive. [1]

Sam Keys, of Reclaim the Power said: ‘The founder of Cuadrilla said the company was ‘getting smashed’ by protests last year. Well there’s more ‘smashing’ to come. We’ll be keeping our powder dry and the pressure up on all companies threatening to frack in the UK. Whether it’s Dart, Cuadrilla, Igas, Celtique or any other, they need to know that a mass, direct action camp will be getting up close and personal to their operations this summer.’

Roberta Jones of Reclaim the Power said: ‘We urgently need to challenge climate change, fuel poverty and inequality. Fracking for more fossil fuels will not bring us energy or climate security. Nor will it bring down the bills for millions choosing between heating and eating. The same people making decisions about our energy and climate are the same people lining their own pockets, giving taxbreaks to industry cronies and slashing support and rights for workers, the disabled, students and the poorest in our society. We’ve had enough. We need to reclaim the power to achieve a safe climate and social justice in the UK’.



Contact: Reclaim the Power 07447 027112