BREAKING: After three years of mass local opposition, over 14,000 signatures and the occupation of two proposed fracking sites near Blackpool this summer, Fylde Council have rejected BOTH of Cuadrilla’s applications for live drilling sites near Blackpool, the site of fracking-induced earthquakes three years ago.
We’ve got them on the ropes and our voice is only going to get louder this weekend at the Peoples Climate March in London. Join us at 12:15 at Kings College, The Strand as we walk with the Fossil Free Bloc through London, marching with millions around the world, coming together to address climate change head on and force our leaders to take action. We cannot be ignored.
In only the last week in the UK unprecedented events have taken place, Oxford Council have agreed to a massive divestment campaign and Lancashire is standing up.
Together we can take action to change course, join us this Sunday!
DETAILS: Meet at King’s College London at 12:15pm and look out for the RtP banner. Visit the Fossil Free Bloc event page for more info –
There will also be an ACTION taken after the march outside the Conservative Party HQ, exposing the Coalition as the greediest not greenest government around. Follow the clear bubbles around 2 30pm.