Location: Upton anti-Fracking Camp, Upton, Cheshire, CH2 2PE
Themes: Outreach training and planning!
You’ll need: Camping gear (tent, roll mat, sleeping bag etc).
We’ll provide: Food, water, tea and coffee.
We’re holding our next gathering to organise Reclaim the Power 2 at an anti-fracking site – at an anti-fracking site! To support the community, get us in the mood and get us thinking strategically about our big summer action camp.
Directions: The Camp is about halfway along Duttons Lane, Upton, a turning off the A41, and the council seems to have just erected a new street sign to help you find it. Postcode is CH2 2PE.
Transport: London transport (a minibus or more depending on numbers) is leaving from Archway, North London, at 6pm on FRIDAY MAY 30TH and returning by 10pm SUNDAY JUNE 1ST. We’ll need donations to cover petrol costs but it shoudn’t be be too much.
Contact: Email us at info@nodashforgas.org.uk with TRANSPORT TO UPTON in the header to secure your place on the London mini bus – and of course with any general questions.
Agenda (Version 1)
Note: Reference to the ‘Camp’ in this agenda means the Camp being planned in August, rather than the Upton Community Protection Camp who are kindly hosting this gathering. Parts of the agenda may need to change to respond to the needs of the Gathering.
- an introduction to agenda for weekend, the venue + practicalities
- an introduction to Upton Community Protection camp
- a brief overview of other live Extreme Energy sites in the UK. e.g Crawberry Hill, West Newton, Daneshill.
- the consensus process, how we organise and inclusion issues.
- What skills do we need to build the camp?
- Practical skill share: building compost loos.
What groups, networks and organisations do we want to come to the camp in August? This session will map these networks – and divide up responsibilities for getting in touch with them. Organising our outreach and publicity.
What big ideas do we want to explore at the Camp in August? What workshops, speakers, discussions and entertainment do we want to host? This session will aim to give a steer to the Programme Working group to invite the relevant organisations and speakers to hold sessions at the Camp. The Programme will then be fleshed out at the next gathering on 21st-22nd June.
4.15PM: Break
4.30PM: The-Master-To-Do-List
Getting stuff done to make the camp happen. Infrastructure, outreach, media, transport, research, etc. Who’s going to what by when, with who.
5PM: Working Group time
-Outcome: to form as working groups and ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities
10AM: Deciding on the Location of the Camp in August
How and when will we decide which Extreme Energy site to hold the Camp at in August? What are the different extreme energy sites that may be operational at that time? How will we choose the location?
Some possibilities to consider:
- Choose the location at the next June gathering.
- Choose the location at the July gathering.
- Empower a specific working group to choose a site, with the region being choosen by a gathering June.
- Empower a specific working group to choose a site and a region.
12NOON: Media messaging
Aim: to generate, agree and understand the media messages for this year’s camp. -Presentation by the media group, followed by discussion and consensus as appropriate.
12.30PM: LUNCH
1.30PM: Anti-Oppression learning space
2.30PM: Working Group time: individual working groups will use this time to get tasks done. e.g Infrastructure, Participation, Media
4.30PM: Working Group feedback and any other decisions
5PM: Close