Last year hundreds of individuals gave up their spare time to descend upon a field near Balcombe where a company called Cuadrilla were conducting exploratory drilling for shale gas. We know the presence of our action camp shook the industry, with Cuadrilla halting their drilling while we remained within view.
But while the frackers stood still, we were altogether more productive. Many felt inspired to take direct action for the first time in their lives, a vast programme of diverse workshops took place, and countless new friendships were formed from across and beyond the UK.
Since Reclaim the Power, the battle against fracking and extreme energy continues. There are a great deal of committed individuals who remained at the Barton Moss fracking site throughout the freezing winter months, and others now stand ready and waiting at Bassetlaw and Nottingham.
Yet, the battle is far from won. All three major political parties remain loyal to the extreme energy industry, major multinational companies are starting to move in on shale gas, and we still have an aggressively pro-fracking mainstream press.
That’s why this August we will return, bigger and better, to an extreme energy site somewhere in the UK. This year’s camp promises popular education, movement building, and collective action to address the root causes of climate change, fuel poverty, and undemocratic corporate power.
What can you do?
Firstly, put the dates in your diary: 12th to 19th August 2014.
Secondly, get involved in the organising. Despite many comments from friends and foes about the organisational sophistication of Reclaim the Power, this was through enthusiasm rather than expertise. We aim to organise as a non-hierarchical network of individuals, seeking to share our skills are embrace new ideas.
Come along to our next planning gathering on the weekend of the 26th-27th April in London.