Reclaiming Power and Confronting Oppression: Birmingham Event Wednesday July 30th

Jul 29, 2014 | Uncategorized



Reclaiming Power and Confronting Repression: discussion and celebration – Wed 30 July, 7pm, Birmingham Friends of the Earth Community Garden, Alison St, Digbeth, B5 5TH

In the build up to this year’s Reclaim the Power action camp (14-20 August, Blackpool), an exciting range of people working on issues as diverse as war, environment, feminism, islamaphobia and student cuts and fees will come together on Wed 30th July to discuss how they are challenging power, and share stories of their efforts being repressed by the state, police, corporates – and how they are fighting back.

We’ll start with a panel discussion to hear our speakers’ perspectives and experiences, then open up the discussion to all – everyone welcome. Followed by a celebration of the amazing work being done by so many to challenge power – bring your own food and drink, and instruments if you want to step up to the open mic!

All taking place in the lovingly refurbished Birmingham Friends of the Earth Warehouse Community Garden (if it chucks it down we’ll go inside), now facing the threat of demolition – come and stand in solidarity with BFOE who are fighting the powers that be to keep this community asset open to all…

Confirmed speakers:

– Ewa Jasiewicz: involved in many campaigns on issues including Iraq, Syria, Palestine and fracking. She has been spied on by Exxon and EDF attempted to sue her and the rest of No Dash for Gas for £5m (but failed!).
– Kelly Rogers, who has been organising in the student movement for a free and equal education system, has faced arrest, been suspended from University, and is facing another long-term suspension for occupying her Birmingham campus.

– Dr Dave Whyte, Department of Sociology, Social

Policy and Criminology at Liverpool University. Specialising in state and corporate violence.
– a speaker from CAGE (tbc) – the independent advocacy organisation working to empower communities impacted by the War on Terror

Chaired by Kara Moses, Environment Editor for Red Pepper magazine