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The Rolling Resistance in July 2017


Some people will be familiar with Reclaim the Power’s previous mass action camps at Balcombe, Didcot Power station, or Ffos-y-Fran opencast coal mine. Those camps have typically been around 4 or 5 days long. With the Rolling Resistance this July 2017, we’re doing things differently.

What’s the general idea?

Instead of having one mass camp for a few days with hundreds of people (as with previous years) we want to spread out our resistance to the fracking industry across the entire month of July. The general idea is turn up, meet like-minded folk, get trained and plan or support an action against the fracking industry or the supply chain. After a few days, another wave of people will arrive and go through the same process – and the rolling resistance rolls on.

When should I arrive? How long should I stay?

It’s up to you but we recommend you arrive on one of the Thursday evenings in July and stay for 4 or 5 days if you can. We have a full timetable of workshops, trainings and events up on this page.

Will there be accommodation?

Yes – there will be free accommodation at the Camp of New Hope on Preston New Road. Please bring a roll matt, a sleeping bag and tent. More accessible sleeping space (i.e indoors with a bed) can also be provided for those with access needs.  Please email info[at] to let us know.

What kind of support will be offered? What will be going on?

We’ll be running workshops on direct action techniques, planning an action, Know Your Rights, media and social media tips – as well as a host of other workshops. A fuller timetable for the month is available here.

I don’t know anyone, is that ok?

Yes totally! The different trainings and workshops will be aimed at new people as well as people with more experience.  There be a chance to get stuck in with collective tasks like cooking meals and making banners, as well as meeting local campaigners. Social movements are made up of social networks – so come along and make new friends.

I want to come with other friends who are new to this sort of thing, is that ok?

Yes. Working with people you already know and trust is a great start. Check with your group about their availability, and if there’s a time in July that’s better for your crew let us know by email as soon as possible (info[at] This will help us with preparations. If you’re fairly flexible then let us know that too, and we’ll offer some suggestions on when you might be most useful. If you end up not knowing when you’ll be attending in advance do also feel free to rock up regardless, we’ll still have facilities available for you.

I can’t get arrested, can I still take part?

Yes – around every direct action (arrestable or otherwise) there are always key support roles like planning, welfare, food, press and social media, legal observing and arrestee support. We’ll be running trainings in all these roles.  There’s something for everyone.

I can’t be there for more than a day. Can I still get involved?

Yes. Each Friday during July will be a mass demo/action day when we aim to get large numbers of people to attend the site. Details are here. Come along to one of these. Who knows what else you might be inspired to get involved in.

What if we’re an experienced group wanting to act autonomously?

That’s ace. Groups of friends are already taking effective action week after week against the development of the site at at Preston New Road. We’re just aspiring to create a focus for people from other parts of the country to join them.

We’re hoping that people with a bit of experience will use July to showcase their most creative and audacious approaches. Get planning now to build that bit of kit you’ve always dreamed of, or pull that band back together that hasn’t been on an adventure for a while.

Of course for more experienced groups, there’s no reason to wait. Now is a great time to have an impact on Cuadrilla. However if you’d also like to be part of the fun in July please get in touch as soon as possible by email.

We’ll be providing legal, press and social media support to groups across the country to take action against fracking in July. We ask that any groups wanting to use this support have read and feel comfortable with the Action Consensus beforehand.


Sign Up | Background | Mass Action Fridays | Timetable of Events