by Administrator | Jul 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
This is a call for participants for a 4-day workshop to build a small DIY wind turbine from hand tools and raw materials. This wind turbine can be moved around and put up at local and national events to demonstrate renewable energy. We plan to put it up for the...
by Administrator | Jun 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
The sun shone for the gathering at Upton Community Protection Camp! About 40 people gathered and we learned some of the infrastructure and media jobs that it takes to put on a camp and planned what actions we can take back to our communities. The anti-oppression...
by Administrator | May 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
Location: Upton anti-Fracking Camp, Upton, Cheshire, CH2 2PE Themes: Outreach training and planning! You’ll need: Camping gear (tent, roll mat, sleeping bag etc). We’ll provide: Food, water, tea and coffee. We’re holding our next gathering to organise Reclaim...
by Administrator | Apr 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
Reclaim the Power April Gathering: VENUE CHANGE Due to circumstances beyond our control we’ve had to change the venue of our London gathering. But we’ve got a new one and it’s all still on and Go Go Go! The new location is still in Tottenham, fully...
by Administrator | Mar 31, 2014 | Uncategorized
August 12th-19th will see thousands camp in a locality where drilling is taking place ‘Reclaim the Power’ will stand in solidarity with communities opposing fracking Camp will be a hub for skillshares, workshops, entertainment and direct action Monday...
by Administrator | Mar 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
Last year hundreds of individuals gave up their spare time to descend upon a field near Balcombe where a company called Cuadrilla were conducting exploratory drilling for shale gas. We know the presence of our action camp shook the industry, with Cuadrilla halting...